Thursday, 14 January 2010

Found Drowned

To take my mind off another shitty day at work I poured myself a very large brandy and settled down to do some more family history research.

In 1849 the headline of one newspaper shouts "Sad Effects of Intoxication" and goes on to say that my poor 3xgreat grandfather Benjamin Mason had spent the evening in the pub and "was so much the worse for liquor that he fell down. He afterwards got up and was altogether lost sight of". Much later at about 1.00am during a particularly thundery night at the docks a cry was heard. The PC on duty was unable to find a boat and so the body of poor Benjamin was not found until 6.00am. Cause of death "Found Drowned".

He is not the only one. In 1857 my 2xgreat grandfather Abednego Seabrook, a lock keeper was also "found drowned" and in 1854 my 4xgreat grandfather Frederick Wood was "found drowned and afterwards dead". I wonder if they too were intoxicated?

It could have happened to me. On holiday, after a night out and keen to get to the bar in time for last orders, I marched across the hotel patio when suddenly I found myself walking in thin air. I had completely forgotton there was a swimming pool on the terrace. Luckily I fell into the shallow end and managed to climb out safely. I made it to last orders and stood shivering in a pool of water while everyone laughed and pointed at me.

1 comment:

  1. Really funny story and an interesting family tale. Can't wait to hear more!
