Wednesday, 21 April 2010

School reunions

When I was 13 I was a member of a girl gang. We used to "own" a bench in the playground and non-gang members were not allowed to sit there. There were always squabbles and power struggles going on and you daren't take a day off sick in case you had been talked about and found guilty of some imagined crime while you were away. Fickle as we were it wouldn't take long before you were once again everyone's best friend and another girl had been singled out for some bitchiness. By the time I left school the gang had disbanded and we all hated each other.

Last year on facebook I was contacted by one of the girls and eventually four of us met for a reunion. None of us had seen each other since school and none of us remembers how exactly we all fell out but the strangest thing was that after 30 odd years we all fell into our roles as if we were 13 only yesterday. Tracy the chatty flirty one, Mandy the giggler who all the boys used to fancy (and still do), Sharon the sensible one (she was driving that night) and me the lanky shy one. We had such a good time that it has now become a regular girls night out. Last night was great fun - roll on the next one!

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